Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP

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Maurice Turnor Gardner is a boutique private client law firm of top-tier lawyers based in London. We have experience of all the issues which affect wealthy individuals (and their families and trustees) and professional practices both in the UK and overseas. We seek to understand all the legal, commercial and tax issues affecting our clients and to provide them with principled and practical legal solutions, working in partnership with them as their trusted advisers. We advise individual philanthropists, charities and other not-for-profit organisations.

We provide sophisticated yet commercial solutions for the creators and funders of charities on a wide range of issues, including the choice of the appropriate vehicle (be it a charitable trust, charitable company or the Charitable Incorporated Organisation). We analyse a client’s philanthropic intentions and work together to implement these.

We also ensure the fiscal efficiency of donations, particularly in a cross-border context. Within the UK, we advise on the income tax implications of giving to charity, on inheritance tax (for example the additional 10% relief) and capital gains tax. In an international context, we are able to advise both charities and donors of the benefits of dual-registered charities.

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