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Beacon Collaborative

The Beacon Fellowship Charitable Trust has merged with the Philanthropy Collaborative with the goal of driving a change to the culture of giving among the wealthy in the UK. The combined entity will undertake a wide-ranging programme of activities designed to change attitudes on philanthropy and to encourage wealthy people to give more.

The activities will tackle public awareness, political engagement, research and measurement, professional services, celebration and peer influence in order to create a systemic change to the levels and impact of philanthropy in the UK. The activity programme will be coordinated by Beacon and delivered in partnership with other organisations that work in the field of philanthropy.

Alongside the awards, Beacon will kick off 25 different activities aimed at changing the culture of giving among the wealthy in the UK. These activities will be delivered in collaboration with other organisations in the philanthropy sector. They are increasing peer influence, developing public awareness of philanthropy and social investment, improving the quality and availability of professional advice building on the expertise of the professional services sector, research, and improving political engagement.

Known as the Beacon Collaborative, this alliance of philanthropists and philanthropy organisations is united in the belief that private philanthropy and social investment have a positive effect on society. The partners recognise that by working together they will have a greater opportunity to increase giving than working independently.

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