

You might find some of these reports useful. Some reports are held as PDF documents within the site and others link to other sites.

European Foundation Centre (EFC) & the Funders’ Initiative for Civil Society (FICS)
The European Foundation Centre (EFC) and the Funders’ Initiative for Civil Society (FICS) have launched a paper which addresses the trend of closing civil society space, how it is impacting...
Expert opinion
Results from a national online poll show that 56% of British full time workers would volunteer their skills to fight poverty in a developing country, if they had the support...
Expert opinion
Beverley Traynor discusses the risks and pitfalls of international giving for individuals
Michael Norton
This comprehensive introduction to fundraising management provides a thorough grounding in the principles underpinning professional practice. Much more than a ‘how-to’ guide, the book critically examines the key issues in fundraising policy, planning and implementation, and introduces the most important management tools available to the modern fundraiser
Charities Aid Foundation
This research surveys giving trends on Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeals for four major natural disasters – the Asian tsunami in 2004, the Burmese cyclone in 2008, the Asia-Pacific cluster...