CAF to teach millionaires in Brazil and Russia how to give

CAF to teach millionaires in Brazil and Russia how to give


The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is piloting foundation schools for family philanthropists and their advisors in Brazil and Russia.

The first foundation school has begun in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It will be attended by 15 representatives from some of Brazil’s wealthiest families, who own over $100 bn (£50 bn) in personal wealth. Financial and legal advisors, as well as existing foundation managers, are also participating.

The six-day courses will be held over four months. Participants will share experiences and knowledge of foundation and endowment management. The course features lectures from leading experts including David Emerson, chief executive of the Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF); Michael Madnick, deputy director of External Relations for the Gates Foundation global health program; and John Low, chief executive of CAF.

Olga Alexeeva, head of CAF Global Trustees, said, “People attending our schools are likely to be running the foundations of the future. At the moment, there isn’t an established structure to learn about philanthropy on this scale in Brazil or Russia. We hope the Foundation Schools will help people to get together to share their different experiences.”

CAF will run the schools with the Institute for the Development of Social Investment (IDIS), its partner in Brazil, and the Russian Donors Forum.