Leadership in the Social Economy (2007)

Book List
Publishing information: 
Charlotte Chambers and Fiona Edwards-Stuart London: School for Social Entrepreneurs, June 2007. Freely available online

This report explores the journeys of successful social entrepreneurs, including their common features and characteristics, how these relate to organisational life-cycles, and contains recommendations for government, funders, trustees and support agencies. Specific research questions addressed include: what are the characteristics of the people who have provided effective and sustained leadership in growing and establishing successful social enterprise businesses? What are the hindrances to growth and sustainability in the organisations that they lead? What patterns characterise the progress of social organisations and community businesses from incubation to maturity? The report concludes that social entrepreneurs are ‘unusual people’ whose success can be attributed to their initiative, realism, self-sufficiency, willingness to learn and seek help and strong relationships with supporters.

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