
Magazine article
Every day in over 100 countries around the world, hundreds of thousands of people are arbitrarily detained, tortured, and denied access to counsel by the police.
News (International)

A coalition of international non-profit organisations including The Charity and Security Network (CSN), the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL), the European Foundation Centre...

Magazine article
When Edison started selling electricity in 1882, over a billion people lived off-grid. Today, despite huge advances in technology, that number remains unchanged.
Magazine article
Imagine a girl growing up in one of the world’s poorest countries...
Magazine article
What does it mean to be poor? Different things to different people, obviously. Relative poverty is a slippery concept, but no one has improved over what Adam Smith wrote back...
Magazine article
In September 2015 the world will recommitment to a series of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
News (UK)

Applications close on 25 June 2015

Welcome to Issue 8 of Philanthropy Impact Magazine! In this issue the contributors will explore the challenges posed by inequality, and the ability for philanthropists to be part of a...
Magazine article
" I was delighted to share my thoughts but rather daunted by the enormity of the question"
Magazine article
Much has been written about the economic contribution of philanthropy. Giving apparently makes people happier and as such should be encouraged as a general improvement in wellbeing is a ‘good...

