
Northern Rock Foundation
This briefing paper summarises the findings of the second working paper from the Northern Rock Foundation Third Sector Trends Study (TSTS). It reports on ‘TSO50’, a study of 50 Third...
Carnegie UK Trust
This final report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Future of Civil Society, argues that civil society has been pushed to the margins in key areas including politics, finance...
Charities Aid Foundation
This research surveys giving trends on Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeals for four major natural disasters – the Asian tsunami in 2004, the Burmese cyclone in 2008, the Asia-Pacific cluster...
Book List
This small book has a big aim: to illuminate what is happening in American philanthropy today, and what it all means.
Book List
Australian philosopher and Princeton’s touring professor Peter Singer returns to a pet topic in this book – no, not man’s treatment of animals, for which he found notoriety follow