

You might find some of these reports useful. Some reports are held as PDF documents within the site and others link to other sites.

Baring Foundation
Since 2006 the Baring Foundation’s grants programme ‘Strengthening the Voluntary Sector’, has taken a close interest in deepening understanding of the changing nature of the independence of voluntary action. Given...
Cass Business School, City University London
Charities in the UK have traditionally launched special appeals for donations in the period before Christmas. Christmas is a time of giving and they hope to persuade the public to...
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Written at the request of programme staff at the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, this paper is intended to provoke discussion about the tradition, necessity, and benefits of endowment funds in...
Arts & Business
This report contains the findings of a study into the motivations of individual supporters of the arts; both donors and recipient organizations were surveyed between November 2008 and March 2009...
Charities Aid Foundation
This research surveys giving trends on Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeals for four major natural disasters – the Asian tsunami in 2004, the Burmese cyclone in 2008, the Asia-Pacific cluster...