

Here you will find a list of Philanthropy Impact members (denoted by background colours) as well as resource organisations/umbrella bodies, for example EVPA (with clear backgrounds).

OmniArte gmbh
OmniArte’s mission is to provide art collectors, foundations and trusts with a variety of services that will assist them, first and foremost, in the care and management of their assets, in their preservation, protection and valorisation, but also in analysing the options available when thinking about the future of their collections.
Organisation details
Contact details for this organisation
The Philanthropy Company
The Philanthropy Company are leaders in philanthropy and fundraising. They advise charities on income growth and philanthropists on giving strategies.
Veale Wasbrough Vizards
Veale Wasbrough Vizards acts nationally for clients in education and charities, healthcare, private wealth, public and family owned business sectors.